The ironically named "Pretty Good Privacy" (
PGP) protocol provides extremely reliable
encryption for data, ensuring excellent protection.
The PGP algorithm uses a pair of asymmetric keys (public and private) for encryption/decryption purposes.
The public key is freely distributed to all interested parties, and can only be used to encrypt data.
The private key is available to a mailbox owner only, and it is used to decrypt messages.
The encryption/decryption algorithms function according to the RFC 2440 'OpenPGP
Message Format'.
For symmetric encryption, algorithm CAST5 with a length of 128 bits (16 bytes) is used
in CFB mode.
The Diffie-Hellman algorithm is applied for public key generation and processing.
The algorithm parameters are: P - 2048 bits, G = 2, X - 512 bits.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol secures both the data of protocols (such as HTTP, NNTP,
FTP etc.) and the transport protocol (TCP/IP). Therefore, all messages sent within our mail system
travel along a secure channel. The length of encryption key is up to 1024 bits.
The algorithm used for electronic digital signatures is DSA with 1024-bit key. Verification
of electronic signatures guarantees the integrity of a letter and the authenticity of a return address.